Sunday, September 2, 2012

An interesting paper on HERVs

Expression of Human Endogenous Retrovirus Type K Envelope Protein is a Novel Candidate Prognostic Marker for Human Breast Cancer

I recently happened to read an interesting short report published in August 2011 issue of Genes and Cancer. In this study, the authors evaluated the use of expression of envelope (env) protein of human endogenous retroviruses-K (HERV-K) as a prognostic marker of breast cancer. HERVs constitute about 8% of human genome. There are many distinct families of HERVs present in human genome. Most of these families are defective and could not encode complete viruses. However, HERV-K family shows a conservation of seemingly intact retroviral genes as it is one of the most recently integrated viruses.   In a previously conducted study, the authors observed the expression of HERV-K env mRNA and protein in breast cancer tissues obtained from US women. To further study the role of HERV-K env mRNA as a prognostic marker for breast cancer, the authors looked at expression of HERV-K env mRNA and protein in breast cancer tissues obtained from both Chinese and US women. The authors also analyzed the relationship between HERV-K env expression and disease severity in these women.

Methodology and Results:
One hundred and twenty tissues from Chinese women including 40 breast cancer tissues, 40 matched adjacent uninvolved breast tissues and 40 breast tissues from benign breast diseases but not cancer were used in this study. HERV-K env mRNA was detected in 70% of breast cancer samples and 20% of surrounding uninvolved tissues from breast cancer patients. No HERV-K env mRNA was detected in breast tissues from control patients. Similar to mRNA results, HERV-K env protein expression was also higher in cancer tissues in comparison to controls. The authors also found medium to strong expression of env protein in cancerous tissues and weak to no expression in adjacent non-cancerous tissues.
The authors then looked at relationship between expression level of HERV-K protein and clinical features of the patients. 82% of the patients with high expression of HERV-K in their tumor had a tumor size greater than 3 cm. HERV-K env expression also correlated with other clinical and pathological characteristics in these patients. Furthermore, the scientists conducted a Kaplan-Meier survival analysis and found that the patients with high expression of HERV-K env protein had a significantly shorter overall survival in comparison with patients with moderate to low HERV-K env protein expression.

Taken together, all these results indicate that HERV-K env protein expression is highly upregulated in human breast cancer tissues and not in adjacent non-cancerous tissues or normal breast tissues.
In all the paper is nicely written and all the experiments seems to be nicely conducted. However, this paper exclusively talks about env but what about pol and gag? Expression of pol is particularly important as pol encodes for reverse transcriptase, which is required for production of new virus progenies.
The study did not observe any association between HERV-K env expression and ER/PR status. These results were surprising as earlier studies have observed that expression of HERV-K mRNA and protein was higher in breast cancer cell lines treated with estradiol and progesterone than in cells without treatment